Slack Accelerated Launch & Delivery

Slack logo.png+ Cprime Accelerated Launch & Delivery Package

This package is for hands-on configuration of a Slack Workspace or Grid environment: Onboarding of end, Integration to critical enterprise applications, Communications plan, Training and enablement for end-users, and Success tracking.

Technical Pilot/POC

Production-quality deployment of Slack against a custom set of use cases, advanced value drivers, or integration connectors:

  • Establish a plan for enterprise expansion and transition to full production mode

  • Establish Enterprise Grid in the customer development environment

  • Validate that Slack can meet the required set of use cases prior to commitment

  • Establish a turnkey solution and ensure the customer has the knowledge to continue deployment post-pilot

Quickstart Implementation

Contract for production-level deployment with a limited number of Slack users against a standard set of core use cases and value drivers:

  • Establish a plan for enterprise expansion and transition to full production mode

  • Get Slack set up correctly with the foundation to scale

  • Establish repeatable solution and ensure knowledge to continue deployment

Enterprise Wall-to-Wall

Full consolidation, standardization, and expansion of the Slack platform against an advanced set of core use cases and value drivers:

  • Establish a plan for enterprise expansion and start the transition to full production mode

  • Establish the Slack instance

  • Validate that Slack can meet the required set of use cases prior to enterprise commitment

  • Establish repeatable solution and ensure knowledge to continue deployment with reduced Cprime support