Women in Leadership & Technology: Elevate with Grit Panel Series

June 1, 2021  |  8:00 AM PT  |  11:00 AM ET

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What is "Elevate with Grit"?

Hear from women in the workforce as they share obstacles overcome and lessons learned from climbing the career ladder to positions of power and influence. Listen to their stories and be inspired to continue barreling a wider path forward and upward for females and their careers. Marie-Christine Legault, Head of Canada at Cprime, and Joanne Yo, Canada Regional Lead at Atlassian, will host and moderate each episode of the panel series.

Theme: Speaking Up

This episode features Debra Christmas (Sr Executive Partner, Gartner), Judy Croon (Canada’s Key Humorist), and Sarah Monzel (Sr Director of Product Agility, Cprime). We will explore different ways they have spoken up and made their voices heard, whether it is a boardroom, on stage, or a Zoom meeting!


Hosted by:

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Marie-Christine Legault
Head of Canada
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 Joanne Yo
Canada Regional Lead



Debra Christmas       
Senior Executive Partner @Gartner
Debra Christmas is a seasoned leader in the technology industry. Her 40+ year career has encompassed sales, consulting support channels, and managing all aspects of IT. Prior to her current role as Senior Executive Partner at Gartner Canada, she was Vice President of Hewlett-Packard Software Technical Sales for North and South America. Debra is the co-author of “Please Stay: How Women in Tech Survive and Thrive”, and the founder of Stiletto Gladiators, a non-profit organization delivering mentorship services, leadership assessment, and coaching. She is also a co-founder for Women in Tech Tribe, which focuses on helping women excel in the technology industry.


Judy Croon           
Canada's Keynote Humorist
Judy is Canada’s Keynote Humourist. She is a comedian, motivational speaker (including Ted Talks), radio host, Second City stand-up coach and author. She has worked with many celebrities including; John Cleese, Jon Stewart and Joan Rivers. Her specials have appeared on NBC, CBS, CTV and The Comedy Network. She is a co-author of ‘From the Stage to the Page: Life Lessons from Four Funny Ladies!” Judy draws from her stand-up and coaching experience to entertain, inform and inspire in her dynamic presentations. She is a regular volunteer with City Street Outreach – a program that feeds Toronto’s homeless and needy. Judy is the creator/host of ‘Laughlines’ and ‘Stand Up For The Girls’ which have both helped raise over $650,000 for breast cancer research.


Sarah Monzel            
Senior Director, Product Agility @Cprime
Sarah Monzel leads the Product Agility consulting practice at Cprime, focusing on enabling clients to transform from traditional project-thinking to being product-driven organizations and emphasizing technical agility and continuous learning. Sarah has 20 years of experience collaborating both in client-facing and behind-the-scenes roles. Her passion for exceeding expectations and providing quality service is applied across the board, from small startups to Fortune 100 companies. When not chauffeuring her two children to a practice or event, Sarah enjoys golf or curling up with a good book.

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